
Conference 2022

Virtually Everywhere...this conference was held Thur 1/20/2022, Fri 1/21/2022, Mon 1/24/2022, and Tues 1/25/2022.

The jChampions Conference

Java Champions are developers from around the world who are recognized for the contributions to the Java community. Champions are about sharing their knowledge with developers. This coming January, after last year’s success, will be our second conference organized by Champions and featuring Champions in the presentations. Our audience is the 14 million Java developers world wide.

What type of conference will this be?

The 2022 jChampions Conference ran for four days in January 2022 on Thurs 1/20, Fri 1/21, Mon 1/24, & Tues 1/25. Rather than trying to run like a traditional in person event, each day will feature 7 sessions. Sessions will begin at 9:00 EST and end at 17:00 EST. After each session there will be time for participants to speak with the presenters.

What is the schedule?

See the list of speakers for the 2022 conference.

Click here to see the 2022 schedule!

How do I register?